Monday, October 24, 2011

12 days old!!

ok this is from 2 days ago but I am publishing it now anyway. No one reads this anyway! :)

I cannot believe it. They are almost two weeks old! Time is flying by so quickly!!  With the hospital, Brynn being sick, the visitors and the doctor appointments... it is just going too fast!

They had a weigh-in at the Dr. Today to make sure they were gaining weight. I knew they were but I wasn't sure how much. Here are the stats so far:

At birth:
Beckett was 6 lbs 14.9 oz and 20" long
Asher was 6lbs. 15.5 oz and 18.5 long

4 days old (discharged from hospital):
Beckett 6 lbs 2.2oz
Asher 6lbs 1.5oz

6 day's old:
Beckett 6lbs 4oz
Asher 6lbs 10 oz

12 days old:
Beckett 6lbs 13.5 oz
Asher 6lbs 15 oz

The Dr. says they are doing great and dont need to be seen again! Yay! Also both of their umbilical cords came off this weekend!   My boys are growing up too fast!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm reading :)

    Way to go, mommy--you're obviously doing a great job! I just hope you're keeping your sanity :)
